About me…

I am a transplanted Floridian having arrived in Indiana in October 2004.  Jason, Vicky and the kids live directly across the street while Kelly and her kids live in the next town over. The abandoned ones live in Tampa. .That would be Rhonda and Jordan. Rhonda is a middle school teacher and Jordan’s main job is keeping Rhonda straight. He is an adult in a five year old body.  I’ve had the same husband, Art,  since 1966 (divorce is no longer an option; murder, though…hmmmm). I like music, reading, scrapbooking, crossword puzzles and grandkids most of the time. (I have seven grandchildren ranging in ages from 15 to almost 5..all beautiful, all intelligent and, therefore, all chips off the old block.)

4 Responses to About me…

  1. Rhonda says:

    Fine…don’t mention me, the one you guys ABANDONED in Florida!!!!

  2. Rhonda says:

    Awwww…thanks, Mommy, for the editing job and making me exist!!!! 🙂 I love you. Jordan misses you. He told me at dinner how he can’t wait to come up this summer because, “Nana gives me Pepsi, and I like to burp!” LOL

  3. gma2sixkids says:

    LMBO!! I like the part about divorce not being an option..hee hee…

  4. Dianne says:

    I saw the pics on Vickys’ blog–What cute kids. please do not murder art—he has been around too long florida misses you

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