Just a Day In The Life Of Me

  • Well, I survived the oral surgeon. A few stitches and a new partial. Child’s play, you know. But that damed novocaine is long-lasting. It’s 3 hours later and I am still partially numb. Art broke his partial a few months ago and I will tattle on him, since he isn’t here to defend himself. They tell you not to use a straw or smoke for some time after an extraction. Well, of course, he didn’t listen. He lit up in the dental parking lot and since he was still completely numb he couldn’t tell if his lips were actually touching the cigarette. Instead of giving up, he took his fingers and held his lips shut. Then he couldn’t tell if he was inhaling or not so he sucked as hard as possible. Said he nearly fainted from the coughing jag that hit him. I chose not to go that route and, so far, haven’t attempted smoking. On a lighter note, I am trying to let my hair grow out a little. Jesse stood behind me and said I needed to go to Georgia and enter the state mullet contest, which was eventually won by a 9 year old boy. So I had the back trimmed a little so it would be closer to the length of the sides I am trying to grow. Now I look like Little Lord Fauntleroy.  Growing older sucks enough without this.
  • Thought for the day: Growing older may be mandatory but growing up isn’t.

5 Responses to Just a Day In The Life Of Me

  1. Rhonda says:

    Glad your visit to the ‘modern-day torture chamber’ went okay. You’re one brave mama! =] Also glad you’re growing your hair out…I like you with longer hair (I love you ALWAYS, though).

    Love you and miss you so much.

  2. aunt wad says:

    I worked 13 and 1/2 hours today and I am already giddy, when I read about Art holding his lips shut, I about fell out of the chair/ her it is midnight/ I have to get up in 5 and a half hours and I am in here by myself, dying over Webbie’s latest!! Oh you smoke em Artie!!

  3. vicky says:

    Holy giggles, Batman! Even though you told me that story already, it still made me laugh out loud! It is *this close* to ranking up there with his Friar Tuck haircut he gave himself last year. Phew–I’m laughing so hard right now.
    Deep breath—that Dad of mine, he is some kind of character. Remember the time he smoked about an entire pack of cigs with the windows rolled up in his truck to try to kill the mosquitos that had clustered in there early one morning when he was hunting?

  4. teri says:

    well speaking of the partial thing i get 5 upper teeth pulled wednesday and partial put in , sure is new for me but since you were brave i think i can be too , will let ya know . since i don’ t smoke anymore i won’t have to hold lips shut but i might have to cry and that would be worse lol . did they put your partial right in, they are mine, and how long did you old one last , this better last for a few years since i have no insurance and the damn things aren’t cheap, plus all the remembers , like keep in water , don’t let them dry out , don’t drop them they will break , course i worry more bout them slipping out of my hands trying to get them in mouth .oh and after i paid all that amount the remember if your mouth is swollen you might need to get them adjusted , that fee better be included . fill me in on this i’m a newbie to partials . my favorite part was picking out the color like who would know they give a mirror and there you are like some dumb ass trying to guess and that 325.00 facial you get with all that goo they do your impressions with , boy that bout made me sick , can’t swallow but yet you got that trusty kleenex to help like it’s draining backwards not frontwards and oh yeah breathe through the nose well allrighty then , now all i have to do is go through the pulling and stitches and piece of plastic sticking to the top of my mouth with new teeth i probably will never get used to . lol don’t worry i’ll write ya in email about what georgie said , don’t think your family would catch the humor, cause i’m still trying to find it myself ..

  5. gma2sixkids says:

    Ok Mary….I thought your hair looked fine. Have I been in the mountains too long? LOL!! Hope your mouth is feeling better now…heck I hope its *feeling* now! As for the cigs….maybe novacaine is the way to quit…..go to dentist get a shot a day? Hmm….

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