Dang, I hate starting a new week already screwed up. Yesterday I had some peace and quiet for a change and decided to balance the checkbook. Well, guess what….it’s nowhere to be found. I know it hasn’t been taken…anyone who knows me knows there is nothing in it and that the balance that is showing probably isn’t correct but it’s nowhere to be found, yet. I searched all the likely places..my car, Kelly’s car, Dawn’s car, called the last place I used it, etc. Soon I will call the bank and see what needs to be done. (I need them to pay the legitimate checks but if anything “suspicious” comes in not to pay that.) I’m saying this as if I think it is really gone. I don’t. I think it is somewhere here in this house and I just need to find it really soon…before I make myself crazy over it. Wish me luck!

4 Responses to

  1. Rhonda says:

    All I have to say is…”Scatterbrains Unite” =]

  2. Hoss says:


  3. G-ma2six says:

    Look under your smoke detector, thats where I found my wedding ring.

    Ok, why was it there? John had taken it down to paint, placed it on the vanity, and ON my ring. I just knew it was gone forever. I looked everywhere………….well, almost. 3 weeks later he picked up the detector (good thing no fires) and theres my ring! Of course it was MY fault..LOL!!

    Hope ya find the check book.

  4. TERI says:

    oh boy , sure hope ya find it and that’s why i look in my purse 15 million times a day (remember) i just know i’m looking for something in there , just not sure what . i always play it off like if i wasn’t doing something for someone else i’d know where i put MY things .. i’m glad it wasn’t me , i’d be on severe meds by now ! good luck ….did u look in the bathroom and bedroom areas?a drawer maybe.

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